Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When Did i Grow up?

Did i grow up the day the Biology teacher taught me about my body?
Did i grow up the day i could not stare at a boy for one second?
Or did i grow up the day i got my first love letter from a stranger?
Or was is when the red robot struck?
Did i grow up the day Mama gave me a lecture on boys?
Or was is it when my body yearned to be touched?
Did i grow up the day my heart was in love?
Or did i grow up when my heart was broken?
Did i grow up when i learnt to say No to my heart's desires?
Or was is it when i could not let go off a bad relationship?
Did i grow up when i lost a loved one and i had to deal with the pain?
Or was is it when i said goodbye with tears flowing freely?
Will i grow up when i have a ring on my finger?
Or when i have to care for someone else other than me?
Guess i grow up everyday.......


Nothing in life comes easy, we have to fight all odds to get what we want. I have been reading the story of Joseph and David (My favorite s...