Friday, June 15, 2007


Yesterday i was watching some kids play and i realised how times have changed....
Growing up in Mathare i still have the best memories....going for a swim at (Kita)...ha ha that was a river near Utalii...the swim was a must....we didn't have the luxury of going to a cleaner swimming pool....but they were the best moments...

Then there was Kalongo or cha baba na cha mama...All girls wanted to be mothers and since i was short i was always the baby...Damn i didn't have a chance to have my childhood crush as my Hubby..ha ha...but the experince taught us how to be good mothers...

Sinya Gondi was my favourite....going after the bad boys.....its sad that most of the guyz who were acting as bad boys turned out to be real thieves...guess the game brought out our personalities...

We didn't have computer games then and most of our days were spent trying to come up with new games no wonder our generation is more creative...ha ha all in all i we have the best childmoods...

1 comment:

Giddy Giddy said...

umesahau blada 4 dem gals, bano chobo ua 4 dem boys....memories are made of this. :-)


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