Thursday, September 24, 2009


When I was a kid I had a beautiful pink dress, every time I wore it I would glow with confidence. It was my source of confidence, it had that magic touch that would transform me from a shy little girl to confident girl. One day i tried wearing my pink dress but it did not fit any more, I was hurt and scared, I had nothing to show off anymore. My confidence was at 0% and no other dress would bring back my glow.

In life we have that pink dress we hold on to for so long, the one that gives you the glow and confidence you need. Many a time we forget that we do not need anything or anyone to give us the confidence we need. We forget that when the pink dress does not fit any more you will need to buy a new dress, you need to learn to make people see you can glow in every situation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice one swts! gud work...


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