Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Life’s little lessons….

Today as I was taking my morning jog, I remembered how it was hard for me when I started. There is a small hill that I have to pass and I really hated it, every time I got there I would tell my husband that I need to rest, he would push me on, do not stop jogging just slow down but do not stop.

That is how life is, that hill represents the hardships we endure. We want to stop and take the easy route but we have to push on, you can stop to refocus but you have to keep moving and when you get on the other side of the hill you will realize nothing lasts forever and the satisfaction of having endured makes you a fighter.

As you pass the hills of life slow down but do not stop, keep fighting and jogging through all of them.

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Nothing in life comes easy, we have to fight all odds to get what we want. I have been reading the story of Joseph and David (My favorite s...