Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The story of Colors

When i was eight years old, i remember we presented a skit on colors. The Skit was about why God made the rainbow. With all the events happening in Kenya, the skit applies to our beloved Country.

I was Orange and there was blue, red among other colors. The colors were fighting, each trying to prove it was better than the rest. Red claiming it was all powerful, Blue claiming it was God's favorite and Orange claiming it was the strongest. It was the battle of the mighty. The part i remember most is where God intervenes he says "You stupid colors fighting among yourselves, don't you know i created you all, none of you is mighty than other. I created you to help each other not to fight". I don't know why after all these years i still remember that part.

The story of colors, is a lesson for all Kenyans, we are brothers and sisters. We are from different tribes, Mijikenda,Taita, Luo, Kikuyu ETC, but none is too important than the other. We need each other, i need my luo brother to make sure i get my fish, i need my Kikuyu sister to make sure i get my Githeri on time, i need my Swahili Old man to remind me the words of wisdom from yester years.

Kenyans we are one...my bestfriends are not from my tribe yet we get along so well, lets not hate each other over something so small.

God Bless Kenya.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Sometimes, your family disappoints you. Sometimes they just surprise you...


Nothing in life comes easy, we have to fight all odds to get what we want. I have been reading the story of Joseph and David (My favorite s...