Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Situations

Scene 1: On the way home there was on accident, you just peeped safely from your car window, never giving it a second thought. Only to reach home and be told that one of your relatives was among those who died in the tragic accident. MMMhhhh…the things we ignore assuming we are safe.

Scene 2: You are on your way to the bus stop, you see this ‘friend’ you pretend to like, you decide to ignore him/her. When you get in the matatu you discover you have forgotten your bus fare at home and you hid from the only person who would have helped you………

Let us call them the little situations we ignore only to regret later. Today on your way home, stop and notice those little situations, you never know what will happen when you ignore.


Unknown said...

thats so true dear. its the simple little things in life that make it much more worthwhile.
enjoy ua day

Anonymous said...

Never seen your blog before. Never thought about Mtwapa the way you described it...I have always seen it as a romantic resort for a loner who needs a break from life. But honestly I dont think I ever heard (or read) anyone describe Mtwapa so thoroughly well in such few words.

Please blog more often, will you?

Unknown said...

Hi Anonymous.....Will keep on blogging

juanita... said...

its this little things that make us reflect and smile...


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